
School Counselors do not provide long-term therapy, but rather focus on helping students to gain the skills necessary to manage the school day. I work with students who struggle with self-control, recognizing and identifying feelings, coping mechanisms, managing anxiety or anger, organization, etc.

Tier 1

Whole Class

Tier 1 counseling involves me pushing into a classroom to give a social/emotional lesson to the entire class. PBIS and the Positivity Project are also examples of Tier 1 behavioral and social/emotional support.

Tier 2

Small Group or Individual Counseling

Tier 2 counseling may be recommended for your child if they need more social/emotional support, in addition to what they are getting with Tier 1. We measure the need for this by referring to the number of minor referrals they have received for classroom behaviors, or some other form of measurement (such as nurse/counselor visits due to anxiety).