Drawing & Painting I


Through this course, you will have the opportunity to explore a variety of materials and techniques used to draw and paint. Emphasis will be placed on observational drawing skills, composition and color. Projects will reinforce the skills needed to improve technical and imaginative design, students will work with a range of media including pencils, colored pencil, charcoal, acrylics, and watercolors. Emphasis will be placed on balance between your personal expression and your development of basic skills necessary for your success. 

It is a half year course and students receive a half credit upon completion.

Course Syllabus

drawing_painting 1 syllabus bitmoji (3).pdf

Work from 2021/2022 Fall Semester! 

Charcoal Drapery Still Life- Drawn from life. 

Transparent Still Life- white colored pencil

Abstract & Reality Watercolor Paintings

Gelli Prints with Watercolor Techniques