Shawshank Redemption
and Secondary Sources

Places to find articles about the novella:

No password needed at home.

Literary criticism, biographical information, and other resources on major works.

*Click here for the password for home access.

Literary criticism and information on authors and major works.

Bloom's Literary Reference Online
*Click here for the password for home access.

Search for literary criticism and information about authors.

Search tip: Remember that "Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption" was originally published in a collection of short stories called Different Seasons.

Places to find film reviews:

Searchable archive of New York Times articles, 1995 - present.

Searchable archive of Boston Globe articles, 1995 - present.

A collection of information and reviews of movies. Tip: After searching for the movie you want, scroll down to the "Critic Reviews" section of the page.

A search engine for film reviews. Note that some links may no longer work for older films. Remember to select reputable publications from your results list.

Google Search Strategies:

If you know which newspaper or publication you would like to search for film reviews, try setting up a Google search using the format below:

In these examples, searching using the site: operator will get you articles from the New York Times about the movie/book Crazy Rich Asians, or will get you articles from The Guardian about the book/movie Never Let Me Go.

Citation Resources:

Check this citation guide for instructions on how to cite different types of sources.

Film and Literature Citation Guide