Social Studies Databases 

Social Studies Databases

Biography (Gale in Context) - biographical information about current and historical figures. 

US History (Gale in Context) - scholarly articles, encyclopedias, primary sources, and more. 

World History (Gale in Context) - scholarly articles, encyclopedias, primary sources, and more. 

Global Issues (Gale in Context) - scholarly articles, news articles, encyclopedias, and more, all about major global issues. 

Military and Intelligence (Gale OneFile) - a collection of articles and other resources focusing on historic and current military issues.  

War and Terrorism (Gale OneFile) - information focusing on issues related to war and domestic and global terrorism. 

Opposing Viewpoints (Gale in Context) - current articles, commentary, and study guides on a wide range of social issues.

Points of View Reference Center - an overview of current, controversial issues.

Psychology (Gale OneFile) - current articles, research, and resources on Psychology.

General Research Databases

Academic OneFile (Gale) - access to a wide range of academic journals and other periodicals. A great resource for articles on all subjects.

General OneFile (Gale) - access to articles from a wide range of periodicals. 

JSTOR - a great research tool, with access to a huge library of academic research articles. *You will need a BPL ecard to access this resource (find out here how to get one in just a few minutes).

EBSCO Reader's Guide Full-Text:  - full text of articles since 1994 from a wide range of magazines and publications, including Time, The New Yorker, Sports Illustrated, Psychology Today, and many more. 

*Click here for the password for home access.

New York Times archive  -searchable archive of New York Times articles, 1995 - present.

Boston Globe archives - searchable archive of Boston Globe articles, 1995 - present.