12th Grade Book Clubs
Secondary Sources

Places to find articles about your book:

Gale Literature eBooks

This can be a great place to start if your book is covered here. You will find lots of great information about Hidden Figures, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep, and Fahrenheit 451.

Literary criticism, biographical information, and other resources on major works.

No password needed.

Literary criticism and information on authors and major works.

*Click here for the password for home access.

Bloom's Literary Reference Online

Search for literary criticism and information about authors. This database has articles about Fahrenheit 451 and Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep.

*Click here for the password for home access.

Searchable archive of New York Times articles, 1995 - present. If you don't see many articles about your book in the literary criticism databases, this is a great place to go next.

Places to find film reviews:

Searchable archive of New York Times articles, 1995 - present.

Searchable archive of Boston Globe articles, 1995 - present.

A collection of information and reviews of movies. Tip: After searching for the movie you want, scroll down to the "Critic Reviews" section of the page.

A search engine for film reviews. Note that some links may no longer work for older films. Remember to select reputable publications from your results list.

Google Search Strategies:

If you know which newspaper or publication you would like to search for film reviews, try setting up a Google search using the format below:

In these examples, searching using the site: operator will get you articles from the New York Times about the movie/book Crazy Rich Asians, or will get you articles from The Guardian about the book/movie Never Let Me Go.

Citation Resources:

Check this citation guide for instructions on how to cite different types of sources.

Film and Literature Citation Guide