
Finished the book? 

You will be asked to share your response with a group in the fall.

You should spend about 30 minutes on this response.

Examples of Responses

 (You only need to pick ONE) and have fun with it!

Create a piece of art showing an important scene

Maybe even try using recycled materials!

Need some instruction? Look at these directions

Write a letter to a character in the novel

Need some guidance? These steps might help!

Write some discussion questions

Need some guidance? Try these tips

Make a Playlist

Tip: Create your playlist on Spotify, Youtube, etc. to make it easy to share with others! Remember you will be sharing these songs in school.

Reflect on a quote from the book

Write down a quote (1-2 sentences) that stood out to you in the story and write a paragraph with why you think this is important.

Film a response

 Try sharing your thoughts as a review, reenacting a scene, or some other creative response!

Research a topic you learned about in the novel

Some research topics you could choose  (games to play, libraries, dogs, how power is generated, other..?)

Write a journal entry as one of the characters

You can pick a scene before, during , or after the events of the book.

Write a letter to the author 

Tell her what you liked about the book and what you still wonder. 

Here is a link to Megan E. Freeman's website.  On this page, you will find a form you can fill out to ask the author a question. If you choose this option, please make a copy of your work and submit it on the form. Tell her you are completing this as a "one school, one book" summer assignment. Maybe you will hear back from her!