septiembre y octubre

Aprendimos sobre… We learned…

*Class routines and expectations.

*Description and location of classroom objects. Students learnt space concepts: arriba/abajo (up/down), adelante/atrás (in front/behind), adentro/afuera (inside/outside), al lado (next to)

*School subjects / materias: matemáticas, lectura, escritura, ciencias, arte, música, español, computación, biblioteca, educación física.

*Time concepts: mañana / tarde (morning / afternoon)

School schedule / horario. Students did a great job presenting in class their perfect schedule including their favorite subjects.

En la clase nosotros: In class we:

*Created our daily schedule

*play around the world with classroom objects

*Present our perfect day and our favorite subject

*Sang the song Cual es tu materia favorita by Calico

Actividades para la casa: Activities you can try at home:

*At night ask your child to tell you in Spanish two subjects he/she had at school.

*Watch the video ¿Cuál es tu materia favorita? By Calico.
