Band Boosters

NEW!  There is now a dedicated WUHS Band Boosters Website.  Click the link to be directed to it!

If you have a child in the band program then you are automatically a member of the band boosters.  The band boosters are charged with supporting every member of the band program through various volunteer opportunities including:

Organizing events

Chaperone trips and events

Work on fundraising efforts

Advocacy for band and the music program as a whole

Provide insight and ideas

How do you get involved?  Start by attending a booster meeting.  They are held every third Wednesday @ 6:30PM.

The option to attend the meetings virtually is possible through this Google Meet Link.

Carla Frohne

HI!  My husband Joe and I are the proud parents of Hannah (18) Flute Instrumental Music Major UW-W and Megan (16) Clarinet and Bari Sax player. I graduated from UW-W with a B.A. in Sociology and a Music Minor.  I have been involved with Band Boosters for 5 years now, between Vice President to President..  My hope with Boosters is that we continue to support the kids activities and through fund raisers be able to continue the Scholarship program for 3 seniors every year. 

Dawn Bleimehl

Hello, this is my third year as treasurer of the Band Boosters. My husband Jason and I have two daughters, Claire who participated in choir in high school and now attends UW - Eau Claire, and Renee (junior) who plays the clarinet and is part of color guard. I have enjoyed being part of Band Boosters to support music at the high school level and supporting events that help us share the talent of our students with the community. 

Jennifer Cammers