Behavioral Expectations

Oswegatchie School utilizes PBIS (positive behavioral interventions and supports) as its framework for establishing behavioral expectations. Emphasis is placed on PREVENTION of problem behavior, development of pro-social skills, and the use of data-based problem solving for addressing existing behavior concerns. Behavioral expectations are taught explicitly to students at the beginning of the year and retaught as needed throughout the year. Staff use positive reinforcement to acknowledge behavior that is respectful, responsible safe and kind.

In the classroom, I also utilize positive reinforcement to encourage good behavior. Some examples of positive reinforcement I use are: praise, positive notes home, first choice for preferred activities, shields, occasionally small prizes (special pencil, sticker etc) as well as whole class special activities.

We also have a Social Emotional Learning curriculum which teaches children skills for learning, managing their emotions, empathy building and problem solving. I encourage and reinforce use of these skills.