There are lots of learning opportunities for WGSD students to

Encourage your children to

What are the Summer Learning Opportunities available to Students?

There will be a new Summer Learning choice board EVERY WEEK this summer for twelve weeks. Each week will have a new theme. Both the link to the website (where all 12 boards will be linked) and the current week's board will be linked in Clever for students so students SHOULD access these from Clever. We will share the Clever link AND the direct website link with parents in the letter we are sending home this week. They can also be accessed through this website.

      • Students should explore the weekly learning choice boards that will be full of exciting and engaging links to math systeries, stories, arts and crafts, experiments, explorations, virtual field trips, trivia, activities, and more...

      • Students were given an opportunity to have a Lexia account for the months of June and July. Please email Mrs. Seibt if you have any questions.

      • Students can continue to play the iReady Math games. There is a link on the weekly choice board that will take them to Clever, where they can log into their iReady account. This should be available all summer.

      • Students and families should check out the great reading and fun activities that are happening this summer at the Waterford Public Library. There is a direct link to their Summer Reading Program information on the weekly choice board.

      • Students should choose some books that they are excited to read and curl up with a friend, a family member, a pet, or by themselves and go on a adventure in the pages of a book.

Sustain the Gain Flyer (2).pdf

What does participation mean?

  • Students should be encouraged to engage and participate in the board and our summer activities as much as they can. The board's will run from Monday - Sunday. Every Monday, there will be a new board and a new raffle ticket form to complete.

  • Participation means "playing" or engaging in any of the activities on the choice board. This includes:

    • playing i-Ready Learning Games, which students will access through Clever. Here is a video demonstrating how to access the Learning Games (thanks Rana!)

    • Completing Units in Lexia (to participate in this summer, parent sign up is needed and then students MUST take their placement test at school prior to summer vacation.

    • Going to the public library

    • Playing and engaging with the other activities on the weekly choice board

    • Usage for most of this is trackable through Clever.

How does the raffle work?

  • Students can only & need to only enter 1 raffle ticket each week. Responses will be limited to 1 ticket per week!

  • There will be 5 different prizes to choose from each week in the weekly drawing. When students complete the form, they will choose which prize they would like their "ticket" entered for. "Tickets" will be drawn on Monday or Tuesday. Winning students and their parent will be emailed if they are chosen in the weekly drawing and prizes can either be picked up that week according to directions in the email OR we will hold prizes until school starts in September. Prize winners will also be posted on the website.

  • We will also be keeping track of the number of tickets that students turn in over the course of the summer, with the maximum number being 12 for 12 weeks. These prizes will be handed to students when we return to school in the fall.

        • Students will earn a Bendy Pencil for participating for 1-4 weeks and turning in a weekly ticket.

        • In addition, Students will earn a Galaxy Stress Ball for participating for 5 - 7 weeks and turning in a weekly ticket

        • In addition, students will earn a Special WGSD wristband for their participation in the Summer Spectacular for 8 - 11 weeks and turning in a weekly ticket.

    • Finally, and in addition to above listed prizes, students who complete all 12 weeks will be invited to an ice cream sundae party in September.

There are multiple ways that students can win prizes for participating in learning activities this summer:

      • enter weekly prizes drawings

      • earn prizes for completing units in Lexia

      • earn prizes for overall summer participation

Email Mrs. Schoepke
if you have any questions or comments.