Please take attendance and lunch count first thing each morning on Power Teacher.
Login to PowerTeacher:
Click on the chair for attendance.
Click on the fork and knife to enter your lunch count.
If a student arrives late, please make sure that he/she has checked in through the front office.
Student Absences and Tardiness
Late students must report to the office for a tardy slip when they get to school. Don't let them in your outside door. If a student misses multiple days in a row, please contact their parent or guardian to find out why they are absent. If absences continue we start the process for educational neglect (letters mailed out, parent meetings, mediation). Every reporting trimester we will talk about the absences and/or tardies of any students you are concerned about. Please let Taysha know prior to that if you are concerned. Remember, students shouldn't have more than 10 percent absences for the year.
Student Bathroom Procedures
Each classroom should have a policy for only one girl and/or boy being in the bathroom at one time. Only one student at a time is allowed in a stall. Kindergarten has their own restrooms.
It would really help if you could quickly “pop in” the hall bathrooms any time you pass by just to check them out. When students know that teachers will be randomly checking the bathrooms often it may curtail mischief that so often happens in there.
Wellness Room
The wellness room is a preventative emotional measure offered to students to help them de-escalate before their behavior intensifies. Wellness rooms teach healthy coping skills to regulate our emotions, calm our nervous system (bring our emotional temperature down) and allow us to choose how to respond rather than react. You will receive wellness room passes for your students to use as they transition back and forth to the wellness room. Students will be escorted to the wellness room by Taysha or a behavior tech. Please contact Taysha to escort a student to the wellness room.
Playground Activities/Recess
Please wear your safety vest and carry your hand-held radio which are located in your classroom. It is also important that you are on time when you are assigned to recess duty to help better ensure student safety and for your own liability. If a student has an accident and shouldn't be moved, please use the radio to contact the office. Please be sure to adhere to recess times to avoid grade level times overlapping.
Teachers need to be aware of their students' social behavior on the playground. It's important to stay involved and be there enough to assure no bullying behavior is going on unchecked. Intervention should occur when students are without friends or playmates.
While out on recess duty remember the difference between supervising and monitoring. Be aware of students’ social behavior on the playground by circulating the grounds and observing students. Supervision has certain expectations by legal definitions. The students are better protected (and so are we, legally) when teachers circulate the playground during recess times to assure no bullying behavior is going unchecked.
Carry your walkie-talkie with you when on duty for quick communication in emergencies.
Students must never be left outside or inside the classroom without being supervised by an adult!
Please teach and practice playground rules with your students.
Rainy Days
In the event of a rainy day during lunch, there will be an announcement over the intercom indicating no lunch recess. Teachers need to be in their classroom watching students as they play at all times. Inside recess activities need to be appropriate for the classroom (board games, art, movie, etc). No PE or outside activities should be done in the classroom.
For rainy morning or afternoon recess, again, students will need to stay in their classroom and play appropriate activities inside with a teacher present the whole recess.
Injured Child
Call parents when a child receives a head bump of any kind or a visible injury. Again, beat the story home.
If a child is seriously injured:
1. Do not move him/her.
2. Do not leave him/her. Send someone for help.
3. Notify administration, secretary, and parents.
4. Make certain you obtain an eye witness account, if possible, for documentation.
5. Fill out the School Accident Report in the office.
Lunchroom Procedures
Note: Please enter lunch counts in Power School no later than 9:30 a.m.
Please line your students up and walk them through the cafeteria doors and wait while they go through the line. Maintaining discipline in the cafeteria is a difficult job and there is not enough adult help to do the job without the cooperation in remaining while your children go through the line. Remember to be fair and considerate of others. WALK YOUR CHILDREN TO LUNCH. Also remember to stop and check out with Stefani if you are eating any or all of school lunch.
Teachers are given 30 minutes for lunch and it is planned as a “duty free” lunch time. There may be emergency situations when teachers will be needed for supervision.
Note: You must stop and check with the lunch secretary if you are eating school lunch.
School Counselor
Nancy Wood is our counselor who will support and help students with any concerns or adjustments that make it difficult for them to learn at school. She is also a great resource if you have a student that needs food, clothing, suppplies, housing ideas, ect. Nancy offers whole group instruction for your class. Your students will attend Character Education every other week. There they will learn skills to help them be better citizens. If you have a student that is struggling to make friends, adjust to a death or divorce, or appropriately communicate with or treat others, talk with Nancy directly.
Student Phone Calls & First Aid
All student phone calls must be made in the front office.
Please send your student to the office with an office pass.
If your student needs first aid and cannot be helped in the classroom, please send them to the office.
If your student is vomiting or thinks they might, please send them down with a small garbage can. This helps prevent hallway messes.
The administration of medicine to elementary students should be done only by the school nurse, the principal, or any other designated person(s).
Teachers may not dispense any type of medication. This includes Aspirin and Tylenol.
Prescription medicines sent to school by parents should be sent to the office.
Classroom Custodial Care
The custodians are quickly trying to vacuum and clean your rooms after school without going over-time. Your students can help out by picking up trash as the day progresses and especially right before the bell rings and by stacking their chairs. The expectation is that no more than 2 or 3 minutes before the afternoon bell rings is enough time to stop instruction in order to clean up. (Many of you have great procedures to make this a fun competitive activity.) Empty the trash from one can into the other, bag up the full can with the can liner and set the bagged trash outside your door at the end of the day. The custodian will quickly come by and collect the bags for disposal in the hall cans or the outside dumpster (or if you want to help, you could do this on your way home). Please do not assign students to empty trash in a hall can as that has problematic results.
Room Inventory
Inventory will be taken in the spring of each year.
The room inventory must reflect an accurate account of all items in the classroom. Please don't move or trade furniture or AV equipment without checking with Stefani.
Please do not discard items that are on the inventory list without approval. Pick up an appropriate form in the office .
If a repair is needed, complete a tech request.
Student Helpers
Do not allow your own or other children in the teacher workroom or faculty room (when training room mothers or other PTA volunteers, please mention this). Do not allow a student to use the paper cutters or move large or dangerous equipment such as lunch tables, T.V. carts, paper cutters, etc.