

Frequently Asked Questions regarding Mr. Lang's Honors Biology Classes

*If you are a CE Human Biology 1200 student, most of the following information does not apply to you or at least will not be completely accurate since your expectations are under strict guidelines issued by Utah Tech University. CE Human Biology 1200 students will be given separate Disclosures and F.A.Q.'s that will better help you understand classroom expectations and policies.

What is the difference between regular Biology and Honors Biology?

Honors Biology is currently offered only to 9th Grade students at Snow Canyon Middle School. For the 2023-24 school year, all Honors Biology classes will be held on "B Days" in room #113 at Snow Canyon High School. This means that Honors Biology students will walk to the high school for class, and then walk back to the middle school after class. Honors Biology does not necessarily mean more homework. There is, however, a higher standard and expectation particularly with something called "Depth of Knowledge" (D.O.K). For a full comparison of the "D.O.K." expectations between regular Biology and Honors Biology, CLICK HERE.

Will we do any dissections this year?

    Yes. Though they are no longer required as part of the State Core Standards for Biology in Utah (Click Link to view Standards --> Utah Core Standards for Biology pages 69-74), dissections still tie in with the standards in several areas and have provided an invaluable learning experience for students over the years. Students may opt-out if they or their parent(s)/guardian(s) have any serious objections to participating in dissections. Parents/Guardians will need to provide some form of correspondence (preferably written) prior to the dissection activity in order to have their student opt-out for an alternative assignment.

Will we use a textbook?

    You will NOT be required to check out a textbook for Honors Biology. We will access the OER Online Textbook

Will I need any special materials or equipment?

    Students are encouraged to bring a simple spiral notebook, or a binder with lined paper as well as a pen or pencil. The science fee that is paid in the finance office allows our department to supply all other materials and resources that are necessary for this course.

Will we take any field trips?

    Probably not, though we may keep our options open. Costs and liabilities are ever increasing, and though field trips can greatly enhance the learning experience through memorable activities, there are many valuable and exciting learning activities that can be done within and around our own campus at Snow Canyon High School. We also have access to ever increasing technology allowing for the possibility of several virtual field trips. If a field trip were to be arranged this year, special arrangements, communications, announcements, etc. would be made available as well as the ability to opt-out for alternative assignments and/or activities.

Can we go to the High School Assemblies?

    9th grade Honors Biology students will NOT attend high school assemblies. Assemblies provide various educational learning experiences that can be both positive and useful as life skills. However, 9th grade students will still be provided with these opportunities through assemblies administered by Snow Canyon Middle School.

Can I choose my own seat and sit by my friend?

    Students will be expected to sit in the seat that will be assigned to them in the "Seating Chart" designed at the discretion of Mr. Lang.

How often can I use the Hall Pass?

    Students are not permitted to leave class unless they are accompanied by the teacher or have a hall pass.  Excessive use of the hall pass is discouraged. However, for legitimate and real needs, there is not a limit for hall pass usage. But understand that students will lose points for missing class activities while outside of the classroom with the hall pass. As long as the frequency and duration of legitimate hall pass use is kept to a minimum, the amount of participation points lost should hardly be noticeable.

   If abuse of the hall pass privilege is suspected as a means of getting of out class (e.g. just because you don't feel like sitting in class or because you plan to meet up with friends and wander the halls, etc), the parent(s)/guardian(s) may be notified to discuss the behavior.  Communication with parents/guardians/administrators for missed class-time for hall pass use will be comparable to the current Tardy Policy in the Student Handbook.

    Students will be asked to leave their phone in the classroom as they leave to use the hall pass. Sneaking out of class without a hall pass or leaving class early will result in that student being reported to the School Attendance Administrator. 

     -Any student that feels the Hall Pass allowance is insufficient may refer to the following disclaimer:

*Students with medical, psychological, learning or other disabilities desiring academic accommodations or auxiliary aids will need to contact the special education department to determine eligibility for the provision of services.

How much Homework will we have?

       Most assignments can be completed during class. Students will be expected to review and study their class notes and any other pertinent material. I will not bury them with "busy work", but I do expect them to know and understand the course material. 

    The nature of my classroom teaching style involves very high levels of repetition and involvement of multiple learning styles (i.e. visual, auditory, kinesthetic, etc) as I provide lectures with accompanying learning guides, reading, PowerPoints, poetry, music, videos, hands-on learning, guest speakers, etc. 

      I strive to embed this material deep into the Long-Term Memories of my students. Rather than overload my students with mundane out-of-class tasks, I prefer to expect short, productive, daily study time. Parents/Guardians are invited to support this policy and hold their children accountable.

   "Don't practice until you get it right. Practice until you can't get it wrong!" -Unknown

Will we be able to re-take Quizzes and Exams?

    Exam/Quiz make ups and retakes may take place before or after school. Students may retake any Exam or Quiz (except End of Year Final) 1 time within 7 days of the original exam date for up to 90% of the total points possible. 

    Mr. Lang reserves the right to make any necessary changes he deems appropriate (e.g. alternative assessments) to enhance the educational experience and success of students on a case by case basis under the direction of administrators and other pertinent counselors and/or advisors. 

Will there be any Extra Credit?

   There may be EXTRA CREDIT and BONUS point opportunities given during each grading period. These opportunities are completely up to the discretion of the teacher as a means of helping students demonstrate proficiency as part of the course requirements and standards. 

    The following interventions are in place to assist students with unsatisfactory grades.

    Students may retake each Exam or Quiz 1 time within 7 days of the original exam date for up to 90% of the total points possible.

    Students will also have a chance to turn in late assignments and/or correct low scoring assignments for full credit provided this is completed before the end of the unit or the next test.

     If students have perfect attendance (not counting “Medical” with a signed doctor's note, “Bereavement”, and official school “Activity Excused” absences) and no tardies for the quarter, their grade will automatically increase 1/3 of a grade (this will only apply if the student has a passing grade, it will not bring them up from an F). If students are 20 or more minutes late they will be marked absent. 

    If an earned grade is still unsatisfactory after exhausting the above interventions, special arrangements may be made on a case-by-case scenario for appropriate alternative assessments to determine if the student has met the state core standards and is deserving of a higher grade.

Will we have any Guest Speakers?

    Yes. Students are invited to provide potential Guest Speakers for this class. Simply communicate with Mr. Lang to make arrangements to schedule the best time for the visit. Guest Speakers will need to check in at the front office where they will be given an official pass as a visitor. We also have the option for doing "Google Hangouts" with professional guest speakers that might have time and/or constraints.


Can I bring a Water Bottle to class?


How can I stay informed on any updates?

    Mr. Lang will frequently send out messages through the PowerSchool Program and or CANVAS with updates and reminders.    

 How can I contact Mr. Lang?

Email is the school administration's preferred way for parent(s)/guardian(s)/students to communicate with their teachers. nick.lang@washk12.org is where you can reach Mr. Lang.       

 Emergency Contact: If there is an Emergency during school hours, contact the front office of Snow Canyon High School (435) 634-1967 and let them know the nature of your emergency.

     Work Address:         

Snow Canyon High School

1385 North Lava Flow Drive

St. George, UT  84770