Unit 1: Becoming a Historian, and History Recap

Lesson 1: Analyzing sources

  • Disclosure: below
  • Sources: This is one of the few days I only have hard copies. Check with me in the classroom.
us-disclosure-dhhs (6).docx

Sub Lesson:

Watch: Prince Ea

The Character of America:

Prince Ea’s video The Prison of Perfection, describes his personal views on the characteristic of perfection. Your assignment is to take an characteristic or phrase that describes America and write a poem or record a video like Prince Ea. Your video/poem will need to include the following:

- Describe/reference at least 4 different events or Americans in history that exhibit that characteristic

- Describe/reference at least 2 current events or people today that exhibit that characteristic

- An explanation of how well America actually fulfills that characteristic/ideal

If you write a poem, you may work with 1-2 people. Videos tend to be more elaborate so you may use 3-4 people in a group. Note that in Prince Ea’s video he didn’t paint perfection in a positive light. You may choose to put a positive or negative spin on your chosen characteristic as long as it has the information to back up your position.

Possible characteristics you may use but are not limited to: brave, diversity, land of opportunity, bold, influential, militaristic, America the beautiful, young, progressive, inalienable rights

Lesson 2: Cause and Effect

  • vocabulary: Columbian Exchange, Triangle Trade
  • Activity: Write a 1 page report, double spaced, on the history of one of the following: corn, potatoes, tomatoes, avocado, pig, horse, smallpox, syphilis, pineapple, sugar, wheat, dogs, guinea pigs, sheep, goats, immigrants, slaves. You must include how your category's involvement in the columbian exchange changed the course of history.

Lesson 3: Choice vs. Inevitability in History

  • Revolution Timeline: Timeline
  • vocabulary: Sugar Act, Quartering Act, French and Indian War, Proclamation of 1763, Intolerable Acts, Boston Tea Party, Lexington and Concord, Thomas Paine's Common Sense, Boston Massacre, Battle of Bunker Hill, Battle of Trenton, Battle of Yorktown, Valley Forge

Lesson 4: Compare and Contrast

constitution vs. Art of Confederation

Lesson 5: Evidence through Unique Sources

We analyzed the sources below to learn more about slavery

Interpreting slavery through art.pptx
slave song lyrics.docx

Lesson 6: Economy and Morality

Indian removal and Irish Potato Famine