Items needed for eligibility

(A message from the Athletic Director)

As we get closer to the school year beginning, we want to make sure that every student that is planning on participating in athletics at CCHS is prepared and eligible to participate. The most important step to verify a students eligibility is creating and completing an account on Register My Athlete. Each individual student that will participate in athletics or activities must have a completed, separate account on Register My Athlete. This link contains instructions for parents to set up an account. RMA Instructions.pdf

Any student that plans to tryout for any sport must have three items completed.

#1 - Register My Athlete account setup and completed.

#2 - A current, completed physical form must be on file with the school or turned into the coach on the first day of tryouts.

#3 - A current, completed health history form must be on file with the school or turned into the coach on the first day of tryouts.

If these 3 things are not completed on the first day of tryouts, a student will NOT be allowed to tryout.

If you have already completed a Register My Athlete account and turned in a physical to Mrs. Lytle, that info will be updated and ready to go on Register My Athlete by July 22.

If your student is participating in an activity (drama, music, forensics) they DO NOT have to do a physical, but these students are eligible for academic all-state honors throughout the year, ONLY IF they are registered on Register My Athlete.

If you have any questions, please email Mr. Winslow, Athletic Director, or Mrs. Lytle, Athletic & Attendance secretary.