We focus on these 6 things to ensure we are fulfilling our mission at WBC...

  1. Teaching the Bible in child-relevant ways that they can grasp.

  2. Communicating the Gospel clearly, simply and repeatedly.

  3. Having lots of fun!

  4. Partnering with children’s parents, their primary Faith Trainers.

  5. Developing meaningful relationships with peers and adult Faith Trainers in small group settings.

  6. Promoting God’s great mission, here and everywhere in the world.



9:45AM Sunday School

Nursery, 2s and 3s Class, 3s and 4s Class, and Kindergarten

11AM Preschool Worship

Nursery, 2s and 3s Worship, and 4k and 5K Worship

6PM Preschool Choir



Nursery, Puggles (2s), Cubbies (3s and 4s), Sparks (Kindergarten)

Upward- You can start playing Upward sports at age 4! We have a soccer and basketball season!

Worship Hour Curriculum

During Worship hour, we use Bible Studies for life to guide our instruction. The children play games, do activities that connect to the life point, have a snack, work on scripture memory, and study the Bible. They bring home a conversation activity page to help continue the discussion at home. To learn more about what they do, click the picture to the left.

Sunday School

During Sunday School, we have wonderful teachers who plan a lesson for their group each week. Then they gather in the large group room for a praise parade and puppets. The children love this time and learn more about who Jesus is and how we live for him.

2s and 3s- Justin and Leigh Beasley

3s and 4s- Ms. Joann Yates

Kindergarten- Mrs. Vicki Stewart

Preschool Choir

Alan and Vicki Coker lead preschool choir every Sunday evening. The children sing various songs and study the Bible. They have 1-3 performances a year.