A student can earn credit and receive a high school diploma through Wasco Adult School. We serve students that are 18 and over and are interested in starting or finishing their high school diploma. Diploma classes are accessible to all students that enroll. 

Classes are offered in English and Spanish. This course will help prepare you for the HiSET exam. Passing the HiSET exam proves you have the same academic knowledge and proficiency as a high school graduate. Once you pass, the state will issue you a high school equivalency credential.

English as a Second language (ESL) courses provide English language learners with life skills and the opportunity to improve speaking, listening, reading, writing, vocabulary development, and grammar. Classes are available during evening hours.  

Preparing for the U.S. Citizenship Test and Interview

 The citizenship class prepares you for the citizenship test and interview process.

The class includes: helping with understanding the N400 application, studying for the 100 USCIS questions, learning about  U.S. history and the U.S. government, practicing for the citizenship interview, and taking practice citizenship tests.

Preparación para la Prueba y Entrevista de Ciudadanía Estadounidense

La clase de ciudadanía lo prepara para la prueba de ciudadanía y el proceso de entrevista.

La clase incluye: ayudar a comprender la solicitud N400, estudiar para las 100 preguntas de USCIS, aprender sobre la historia de los EE. UU. y el gobierno de los EE. UU., practicar para la entrevista de ciudadanía y realizar pruebas de ciudadanía de práctica.