Dear Warwick Families (Gr 1 - 4),

We hope you are enjoying some rest and relaxation together with your families! Our typical summer schedule includes small group learning for some of our youngest students potentially in need of an extra "boost." While we will be unable to meet together this summer, we are excited to offer a digital program for ALL students who will be entering grades 1 - 4 during the 2020 - 2021 school year. This will take place from July 13th - August 14th. Learn more about the details by opening the dropdown menu below. Otherwise, scroll to the bottom to access your digital summer teacher and their lessons! As a reminder, your child should access the grade they will enter during the 2020 - 2021 school year.

Details Regarding Summer Programming 2020

Q: Who is eligible to participate?

A: The program is designed for all WSD students who will be entering first, second, third, or fourth grade during the 2020 - 2021 school year. Certainly those outside of those age groups may also access the lessons, however, the experience is designed for these four grades.

Q: Is there a cost to participate? Will I need special equipment?

A: Absolutely not. We are committed to providing this additional enrichment to our students in the most convenient manner at no personal cost to families. Videos are being hosted on Youtube as this platform is easily viewed by almost any device with an internet connection. Videos are being designed with a "minimalist" mindset regarding supplies.

Q: What is the format of the learning?

A: One teacher is assigned to grades 1, 2, 3, and 4 (total of four teachers). These teachers will be producing 5 learning videos each week in the categories of reading, math, science/social studies, social emotional academic development (SEAD), and a family activity. These videos will be hosted on their Youtube channel and organized into categorical playlists. You can find those links below.

Q: Will this be live, or may I access this whenever I have time?

A: The videos will be posted at the beginning of each week so that families can access the new videos at their convenience as well as go back and watch older videos of previous weeks if they wish. This is often described as asynchronous learning.

Q: Is there a participation requirement?

A: There is not. We know that some families may choose to participate every week, others when they have time, and others not at all. With that said, we will be excited to share new videos each week and hope to have many families benefit from the potential learning.

Q: Who do I contact if my child wants to show their work? Who do I contact if I have questions?

A: While nothing is required to be "turned it," we agree that it is exciting (and important) to get feedback. If your student wishes to share his/her learning with their designated summer programming teacher, you will find a link labeled "get feedback" below. If you have questions for your child's summer teacher, please use the link labeled "questions."

Miss Landers - Gr. 1 (2020/21)

Learning Videos

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Mr. Andrelczyk - Gr. 2 (2020/21)

Learning Videos

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Mrs. Obetz - Gr. 3 (2020/21)

Learning Videos

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Mr. Billek - Gr. 4 (2020/21)

Learning Videos

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