Maker Kits & tutorials

Use Ctrl-F to search the webpage for the following topics

Makey Makey - Stop Motion Animation - Raspberry Pi -- Arduino - Sphero robot - Hummingbird Duo - Squishy Circuits - Ozobot robots - Finch robot - Sewable LEDs - circuits - Picoboard - mBot robot - K'nex - littleBits - Wacom tablet - Go-Pi-Go - Sewing - Knitting - Crochet - Magic Loom - Perler Beads - Duct Tape - Origami


Green Screen video

with ipad and DoInk App

1.Take photos or videos using the ipad’s camera

    1. *If you take a photo or video segment that you don’t want to use, PLEASE delete it - right away.

If using your iphone, you may airdrop to the library ipad to continue with the DoInk app

Background: take picture or upload from Google

2. Open DoInk app (pink octopus icon)

3. Click + to Create new project

4. Choose Video or Image from the Camera Roll

Images: You can choose up to two images and one background

  • Image - choose from “Recently Added” (or Favorites or All)
  • Image - choose 2nd image or background image

Tap and drag photos to adjust placement; pinch fingers to increase/decrease size; photos may be edited

Videos: Record video segments by using start and stop -using the Camera app

+Create New Project

  • Top line should be your video
  • 2nd line should be your background (find one online and save it to the camera roll- see below for image sources) Credit should be given to image sources.

You may trim video clips; you may add other backgrounds so that the background changes during the video

Export options:

Save to camera roll, airdrop, email, etc.

Upload to Youtube: From the Camera Roll, choose the export icon , choose Youtube, Type in title and description; Choose Unlisted, choose Publish

Makey Makey

An Invention Kit for Everyone, is an electronic invention tool and toy that allows users to connect everyday objects to computer programs.

Research and find "conductive" materials to use with Makey Makey.

**GREAT Quick start guide


In-depth guide

Banana Piano

For teachers: Video Interview (35 min) with Colleen Graves (HS librarian and maker expert)

Short Story Lesson - video

Stop Motion Animation - with Hue Camera, ipad mini, or smartphone

  • "Tell your story with stop-motion videos in minutes. Easily snap images frame by frame, add narration and background sounds, make time-lapse movies” Great for all content areas."

Using Hue camera with Chromebook:

1. Download "Stop Motion Animator" app from the Chrome Store

2. Insert camera into USB port

3. Change Chromebook setting: Gear icon--Advanced--Privacy--Content Settings--Camera--Hue HD

4. Open app and choose "Camera 2" on the dropdown menu on left of screen.

5. Create video-- saves to Google Drive (name it);

6. Share it!

Special effects - tutorial

What is Stop Motion Animation

How to tutorial (6 minutes)

5 projects to try

Types of stop motion

Other options: ipod, iphone or webcam + free app (Lego Movie Maker or other)

Materials needed: Camera or ipod; tripod, app, paper, clay or materials to animate



"The Raspberry Pi is a tiny and affordable computer that you can use to learn programming through fun, practical projects."



Creative building sets for kids to stimulate curiosity & imagination.


"Make simple or complex electrical circuits on a flat piece of paper!

Using copper tape and surface-mount LEDs allows you to make a fully functional circuit on a flat surface, like a piece of paper. You can make light-up greeting cards, make origami animals come to life, or create three-dimensional pop-up paper sculpture that have working lights in them."(

Paper Circuit Templates

Circuit Examples

Sewable (Wearable Circuits)

"Construct a working and wearable circuit. You’ll experiment with a battery, conductive thread, conductive tape and an LED to learn how to connect a circuit, and then design a way for it to work on a wrist cuff, a badge, or any other wearable item. Tools such as pliers, scissors and sewing needles will help you affix the necessary components together, and a metal snap will attach the cuff around your wrist while connecting the circuit, or turn your badge on. Watch your friends’ eyes light up, as you light up the LED on your clothing just by wearing it!"


"Squishy Circuits uses conductive and insulating play dough to teach the basics of electrical circuits in a fun, hands-on way. Just add batteries and our pre-made doughs (or make your own dough with the provided recipes), and let your creations come to life as you light them up with LEDs, make noises with buzzers, and spin with the motor."

Quick start guide

How To & Projects

Beginner Activity

Intermediate Activity

"The GoPiGo is a complete kit to build your own robot car. GoPiGo works at the level you’re at — whether you are a parent looking for a smart, fun weekend project to do with your kid, a teacher looking for a way to increase engagement in your science course, or a grad student in need of a platform for your robotics research that requires mobility."


  • "Fun to build and easy to program. Hummingbird is designed to enable engineering and robotics activities that involve the making of robots, kinetic sculptures, and animatronics built out of a combination of kit parts and crafting materials. Combined with very easy-to-use software environments like Scratch."

Hummingbird may be used with Scratch, Makey Makey, Squishy Circuits, Arduino, 3D printing and more

Website with Tutorials and Projects

Beginner: Using Hummingbird with Scratch

Tutorials Page

Mythological Monster Mashup activity

Interactive Explorers Activity

Sphero SPRK+ & Chariot

"Sphero is a round robot that follows your command through drag and drop programming. You can also “drive” Sphero. We have one chariot that sphero can use (which legos can be added to). Powered by the Sphero Edu app, you can easily learn programming, complete hands-on activities, and share your creations with the community."

Create an account or use the Winman account (See Mrs. Tow)

**For your own account, see Mrs. Tow to set you up as a "learner"***

Download the Lightning Lab (Sphero Edu) Chrome app to program this robot.

Then: Start with this page OR Follow Eduporium activity guide

Eduporium - Beginner Activity - Intro to Block Programming

Eduporium - Advanced Activity - Long Jump Contest and additional info on long jump

Educator page

1st Activity 1/2 -1 hour Eduporium's "Meet Sphero"

Ozobot BIt:

Ozobots are little robots with big potential. You can create a drawing with color codes that tell the Ozobot what to do. Or you can do simple (or complex) drag and drop programming at to program the ozobot to what you want.

Getting started - Guide

Ozobot color codes

Ozobot games and apps Ozoblockly web games

Ozoblocky - code to play games & more at

Ozobot - calibrating- should be done each time

  • This Starter Kit is a great way to get started with Arduino, coding and electronics! The Starter Kit includes the components you need to make 15 fun projects following the step-by-step tutorials on the Project Book.


Programming Arduino on Chromebook with Codebender app

Check out Paul McWhorter videos. Below is #1 of 28 instructional videos.

Finch - programmable robot

"The Finch is a small robot designed to inspire and delight students learning computer science by providing them a tangible and physical representation of their code. The Finch has support for over a dozen programming languages, including environments appropriate for students as young as five years old! The Finch was developed to catalyze a wide range of computer science learning experiences, from an entry into the basics of computational thinking all the way to writing richly interactive programs. Try programming a Finch today!"


Program Finch with Scratch!

Finch - basics (pdf)

Grades 6-8 Lessons with Scratch and Snap!

Chromebook app & support Launching Finch with Chrome

HINT: if ScratchX doesn't load- click here; then allow Adobe flash & when the warning comes up, click "I understand. Continue."

Intro video (below) - #1 of 7 tutorial videos from BirdBrain Technologies - once you play one video, the others will automatically follow.

mBot robot (2)

  • Robot jeep with built in inputs and outputs. May be driven with remote or programmed on ipad

Chromebook: Download the mBlock program in the Chrome store.

HINTS: while using mBlock, make sure you use the USB cord and click "Connect"--USB and mBot - in the dropdown menus on the top right. To run the mBot after coding: click "code/upload" and "upload to Arduino"

Eduporium activities

Getting Started with mBlock -pdf guide

WACOM Intuous PRO 660 tablet


Snap Circuits Extreme 750

Snap pieces together to make working electronic circuits and devices. There are books that have a lot of ideas from basic to complex. Thiis kit contains over 80 color-coded, real circuit components that snap together to create working electronic circuits and devices. A computer interface option lets children view waveforms and frequencies (compatible with Windows 95 or later).