Ms. Rode

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Meet the Teacher

A quality education is a result of the commitment of students, staff, families, and the community to inspire and equip all students to continually acquire and apply knowledge and skills while pursuing their dreams and enriching the lives of others.

I am Ms. Sara Rode, Second Grade teacher at Claypool Elementary School, Warsaw Community Schools. I began my teaching career in August 1994, as a high school Special Education teacher. In August 1996, I began my teaching career with Warsaw Community Schools as an elementary Special Education teacher at Harrison Elementary School. I taught Special Education, grades Kdg.-6th, for four years before transferring into a Second Grade classroom for the following ten years, during which time I earned my Master's Degree in Elementary Educational Leadership. When Claypool Elementary School reopened in August 2010, I transferred schools and taught Third Grade for one year, Sixth Grade the following year, and then back to Second Grade for the following school years, to present.

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