dli spotlight

What is DLI?

What is Dual Language Immersion (DLI)?

Dual Language Immersion (DLI) offers a rich bilingual experience for young learners when their minds are developmentally best able to acquire a second language in meaningful contexts. Here at Leesburg Elementary, we implemented a two-way Spanish/English DLI program in the fall of 2018. Students spend half of their day learning academic content in English, and the other half of their day learning academic content in Spanish. Since we not only have English and Spanish speaking teachers, but also students, we are considered a two-way DLI program. Our school has implemented DLI through 2nd grade, and will continue to add a grade level each year.

Why Dual Language Immersion?

Students will receive seven years of dual language instruction and will become proficient bilinguals. Typically, immersion students develop greater cognitive flexibility, attention control, memory, primary language skills and problem solving. In addition, dual language immersion students are more aware and positive of other cultures and people.

Ink Free News

September 2018
DLI Open House.mp4

DLI Open House Video

May 2019

WNDU News clip

February 2020