Applied Skills 

Mrs. Schenck

Unscheduled e-learning due to weather


-Please check backpacks for Red E-Learning Folders or complete tasks listed below. Activities have been planned for unscheduled e-learning due to inclement weather

Educational Video Review: Watch a video on a classroom topic such as cooking, history of food, and/or animals. Food Network, The History Channel, The Discovery Channel, and You Tube have a lot of great options. 

Here are suggested videos related to March class units/topics:

 Tell me about the video by writing a few facts on what you have learned or draw me a picture related to the video. Students may also draw a picture!  We will discuss individual videos during the next school day :) 

Activities of Daily Living: Tell me about the activities of daily living and at home jobs  you completed today (brush hair, brush teeth, wash face, wash hands, get dressed, help clean up, help prepare meals, sweep, fold laundry, dishes, wash windows, take out trash, etc..)

Yoga: Don't forget some movement on your e-learning day

Reading: Read one book (or chapter of larger book) with a parent or family member. 

Journal: Please finish this journal prompt. Write 5-7 sentences. " If I was building a dream house, I would....."

Stay warm and safe everyone. 

Scheduled e-learning day