Join a Music Class!

ATTENTION - Middle School students:

Do you want to have fun with your friends during the school day?

Join Band, Choir, or Orchestra!

Each class is a full-year elective.  

Common Questions

Please click on any question to see the answer.

Can I take a music class if I did not participate in the 6th grade?

YES! We love to have students join our band/choir/orchestra program in middle school. In 7th & 8th Grade, all music classes meet during the school day. Students that join band/choir/orchestra in middle school will become successful musicians who can continue participating in high school!

Can I take a music class and still have other electives in my schedule?

YES! Students can participate in band/choir/orchestra for the full year and still take multiple other elective classes. Many electives are one-quarter long, allowing you to take several throughout each year! For example, if you take a full-year music class in 7th AND 8th grade, you'll still have room for EIGHT other quarter-long electives during the two years. 

Can I still do sports and other clubs?

YES! You CAN take a music class and still be involved with sports and other clubs. 

Middle school band/choir/orchestra meets as a class during the school day. 

All concerts will be outside of the school day (usually in the evening) to allow parents and families to attend.

There are rarely conflicts between music classes and clubs or sports. When special occasions arise, your teachers and coaches will let you know!

Why should I try a music class in middle school?

By joining a music class in middle school, you will have the skills you need to continue in high school! Each year of music builds on the next - so the skills you learn in your first year will allow you to do more fun music the next year.  The longer you sing/play, the more you will learn! Just imagine the amazing music you will sing/play by the time you reach your high school years! 

What does "Peforming Arts" mean?

Music classes like Band/ Orchestra/ Choir are also called "Performing Arts" classes because we perform music at concerts throughout the school year. We get to share our music with other people!

How do I know which music class is right for me?

Click on the buttons below to learn more about each class! 

Band and Orchestra classes both focus on learning to play instruments! (Each page has examples of the instrument choices for each class.)

Choir class focuses on using your own voice to sing! 

Join Band, Choir, or Orchestra now!

We can't wait for YOU to be part of our program next year!

Please click on the buttons below to learn about each class.

Add a music class your schedule today!

Attention PARENTS & GUARDIANS: check out our page for you!