Sources of Strength
Sources of Strength is an SEL (Social Emotional Learning) curriculum that will be taught once per week. Students will be taught about different strengths they have and how to use them in times when they or someone they know could need help.
There are 12 units:
Units 1-4 include: Introduction to Sources of Strength, Brain & Body Science, Emotional Regulation, and Connecting to Help
Units 5-12 take an in depth look at each strength on the strengths wheel. They include: Family Support, Positive Friends, Mentors, Healthy Activities, Generosity, Spirituality, Physical Health, and Mental Health.
Week of 8/24-8/28:
Unit 1 lesson 1: Discovering Sources of Strength
Week of 8/31-9/4:
Unit 1 lesson 2: Identifying Sources of Strength
Week of 9/8-9/11
Unit 2 lesson 3: Identifying Sources of Strength (the other half of the wheel)
*I'm sorry I've been behind informing you of our units. The last few weeks we have been talking about how our brain is like a tree and talking about the parts of our brain and what each part does. This week we will finish this conversation.*
We have been talking about emotional regulation. Ask your child about the "Regulation Railroad"!