
The following is information you may need when completing the Common App:

CEEB/ACT code 365330 (this is our school code)

Date of Graduation - May 25, 2024

Class Rank - We do not rank our students at JFK. (there will be an option to choose this)

Scale - this is asking our grading scale - 5.0 is the closest option

Class size = 45

Weighted? Your classes throughout high school have been weighted.

ACT Score - use your highest composite score

Counselor Information: Andrew Lenz, Director of Educational Planning

2550 Central Pkwy, SE, Warren, OH 44484

Phone (330) 369-1804 ext. 112

Fax (330) 369-1125

School Website 

FERPA - It will ask you if you waive your rights or not. Pick waive your rights. If you do not waive your rights, you will need to approve anything sent to a college for you. This means every time I send your transcript, you will have to review it and approve it. This is not necessary, therefore, click on waive your rights for FERPA.

Along with the above information, you will also be asked if your parents or siblings attended college and where they went. 

What if the college I want to attend doesn't accept the Common App?

If the college you want to attend does not accept the Common App, you can apply to that college directly on their website. Go to a college's admission page. Look for a button or menu item that says something like Apply Now, Apply Here, Apply Today. It will take you to their online application. There is usually an application fee to apply to colleges. If you feel you might qualify for a fee waiver, print this NACAC Fee Waiver to review the guidelines. Once you determine that you meet the qualifications, you can complete the waiver and bring it into your high school counselor for further instruction.

Many of our students attend Youngstown State University due to affordability and location. They are not on the Common App. You can apply directly on their website. It takes about fifteen minutes to complete the application.

You can find the application for Youngstown State University on their admissions page.

DON'T FORGET...Once you apply to a college, let your high school counselor know. Colleges only accept official transcripts from your school. You can request an official transcript by clicking on Transcripts in the menu at the top of the screen.