Warrenton High School
Learning Commons
Welcome to Warrenton High School's Virtual Learning Commons
Welcome to Warrenton High School's Virtual Learning Commons
Hours of operation: 7:15 A.M. - 4:45 P.M. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
Hours of operation: 7:15 A.M. - 4:45 P.M. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
7:15 A.M. - 3:45 P.M. Fridays
7:15 A.M. - 3:45 P.M. Fridays
See what we have to offer by way of exploring our website and searching our online catalog.
See what we have to offer by way of exploring our website and searching our online catalog.
Stop by and visit today!
Stop by and visit today!
WHSLC is Proud to Serve a Community of Diverse Learners with Diverse Needs
WHSLC is Proud to Serve a Community of Diverse Learners with Diverse Needs
An educational hub for the school community, Warrenton High School’s Learning Commons is a venue for teaching and learning, collaboration, development, inquiry, and change.
We envision a shared space where both independent and collaborative learners come together to engage and grow in the culture of reading and 21st century skills.
We strive to 1) Provide quality assistance to students and staff;
2) Provide a safe environment where all individuals feel welcome;
3) Build a collection (print and digital) that is based on curricular and leisurely needs;
4) Continuously build and improve upon current offerings
Contact Us
Contact Us
Mrs. Jinkerson