Monica Heavrin

Director of Exceptional Education

Phone (270) 781-5150     Fax (270) 781-2392

The Warren County Public Schools (WCPS) provides a free appropriate public education to each child with a disability consistent with standards established by law and school district policies and procedures regardless of severity, whose age is 3 to 21 years, and lives within the geographical region of Warren County.  Warren County schools serve 13 areas of disability: autism, speech/language disorders, emotional-behavioral disability, hearing impairment, mental disability (functional and mild), multiple disabilities, other health impaired, orthopedic impairment/physical impairment, specific learning disabilities, traumatic brain injury, visual impairment and developmental delay.

The district provides a variety of services for students with disabilities. These services include co-teaching, collaboration, resource, and special class services as determined by an Admissions and Release Committee. 

WCPS serves approximately 2620 children with disabilities (December 2022 Child Count)