Warren County Public Schools

Helping Hearts

Emotional Health and Wellness Resource Center

The purpose of this website is to provide comprehensive emotional and mental health information/resources to assist with removing barriers to learning.

Mission and Purpose

The Warren County District Mental Health Counselors are committed to assisting students by helping remove or reduce barriers to school success.  Through support and networking with parents, school personnel and community agencies and through building meaningful relationships with our students, students will experience increased success through improved attendance, behavior and achievement.

The Helping Hearts Care Report is a reporting tool that will assist individuals in finding assistance and providing information in regards to mental health.

Click Here To Send Care Report

Click On Care Report to Submit Request  https://goo.gl/forms/imk3wKisjX0pLz9f2

Kelly Kaiser, L.C.S.W.

WCPS Director of Student Services


(270) 781-5150