Advice for staff supervisors

There are 5 elements to the supervisor role:

More detail about each of these elements is outlined by AQA and below.

Approving project titles

All students must have their project title approved before they move onto the main section of the research.

The stages in getting the title approved are as follows:

Once this process is complete the student can continue with the planning and research for the project.

There are examples of titles here, along with some advice about coming up with an excellent title. 

Meetings with students

There should be a minimum of 5 meetings between the student and the Supervisor through the course. Meetings are ususally around 15 minutes long. There might be occasions where a student or supervisor decides that an additional meeting would be helpful. Students should contact their supervisor to arrange meetings. If a Supervisor is concerned they might contact the student to arrange a meeting. Each meeting on the list links with a specific section of the Production Log.

Meeting 1: initial ideas

Meeting 2: Developing a working title

Students must complete "Part A Candidate Proposal" in their produciton Log and have their title approved between meetings 2 and 3.

Meeting 3: Planning review

Meeting 4: Mid project review

Meeting 5: Project product review

There might also be a meeting to disucss the student's presentation although this is not a necessity as students will have a practice run through of their presentation as a part of the taught sessions where they will receive feedback on presentation improvement.

Production Log

Students should share their Production Log with their supervisor. There are 4 sections that the supervisor needs to complete. they should be completed in the order of the list below; note that the sections are not presented in the production log in the same order as this list.

Student Presentations

Students must deliver their presentation in a lecture style to an audience of at least 2 members of staff. AQA provides guidance on the format and content of the presentation. As a part of the presentation students must answer questions from the audience. These could be about the subject matter or what they have learnt about themselves and the research process as a result of completing the project. 

Following the presentation, supervisors should complete the production log section "Presentation Record Part B".

Marking the project

Once the students have handed in their final project, supervisors will mark it and then the centre coordinator will standardise the marking. The final project will include:

This link takes you to the assessment objective guidance for the projects.

Use this guidance to help you mark the final project and check that you have filled in the supervisor sections of the production log.