Enrichment WEEK 2020

Monday July 6th - Friday July 10th

As a school we have made a commitment to developing student's character. School is about more than just learning in class, and getting good exam results; it is about trying new things, pushing yourself in new ways and being open to experiences you may not have encountered before.

We hope that our Enrichment Week is one way in which we can offer these opportunities to students, and that they take some life long experiences and memories from it.

Timings of the Days 2020

Session 1: 8.50 to 12.00pm

Break: 10.30am to 10.50am

Lunch: 12.00 to 12.40pm

Session 2: 12.40pm-3.10pm

Please note that if there is not sufficient uptake of a trip to make it viable, it will not be able to run.

Students will receive their precise timetable of activities in the summer term, along with information about what to bring , what to wear and where to meet etc.