Step 1: Sign-up

Creating your account

*Please note: If you have used TeacherReacher in the past, your account is still active and you do not need to create a new account. Simply log-in and be sure to add all of your children to your existing account. There is no need to create a new account.

1. In the top right corner, click "SIGN UP".

2. Choose District: Use the drop-down menu and click “Wantagh UFSD”.

2. Parent First Name: Type your first name.

3. Parent Last Name: Type your last name.

4. Parent Email: Type your email address.

5. Password: This will be your password to sign into TeacherReacher. It is advised that you do not use the same password that you use for your email account.

6. Retype Password: Type the same password a second time.

7. Phone number: Use either your home phone or your cell phone number as your Parent Contact Number.


Video Walkthrough

Step 1 Video: Sign-up.webm

Please proceed to Step 2: Activate Account.