G & T

Wandell School G&T Program

The Wandell School G&T Program supports the educational philosophy that every child has special talents and gifts. Wandell’s Enrichment Program incorporates a wide variety of higher-level educational experiences, opportunities, and resources. The New Jersey Administrative Code and the Gifted Program Standards of the National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC) Guide Program Development and Curriculum.

G & T classes offer engaging and creative experiences to help enhance each child’s learning. There will be a special focus on higher-level and critical thinking skills, creativity, problem-based learning opportunities, and lessons that incorporate various learning modalities. This small-group instruction will be offered to identified gifted and talented students as defined by Saddle River Board of Education policy. As required, multiple measures will be used to identify student eligibility. The multiple assessments used for student identification are, but not limited to, CSI scores, standardized test scores, group ability tests, teacher rating scales, and class performance.