Wandell Day of Arts 2019

The visual arts theme for the Wandell School Day of Arts 2019 is “Art and Literature.”

Wandell School students reviewed a book which was selected for their grade level and created an outstanding art project related to their book. Students also demonstrated their mastery of the elements and principles of design in their art project.

5th Grade - The Dragon Eyes by Dugald A. Steer

Keywords: Emphasis, value, blending, cropping technique, layering & blending technique and unity

3D Printing/STEAM

In technology class, students work with Mrs. Kilgallen to learn the steps of the design and engineering process in both the real world and the virtual world. The virtual world comes to life using 3-D printing software called Tinkercad. Students work individually and collaboratively to design and create projects from their imaginations. They bring those designs into real life with Mrs. Kim in art class using the 3-D printer. Using STEAM, Wandell students are charged with the task to think creatively and become innovators.

4th Grade - Mr. Popper’s Penguins by Florence Atwater

Keywords: Line vs. shape, space, horizon line, repetition, balance and unity

Arts & Infusion - Perspective Drawing

I learned a lot from our perspective drawing in art. For example, a horizon line is something that separates the ground from the air, a vanishing point is a point that helps us make the guidelines, and 3D is height, width, and depth. I also learned that guidelines are light lines that help you make figures in correct spots. Lastly, shading is when you gradually go from darkest to lightest to create a 3D look.

I also liked a lot about our perspective drawing too. I liked using a ruler and guidelines to make an extraordinary landscape. It was also fun to shade parts of the drawing to create a 3D look. Lastly I think it is amusing to measure with a ruler to make points exactly where you want them.

M.T. (4th Grade-Ms. Wineburgh's class)

3rd Grade - Picasso with the Girl with a Ponytail

Keywords: Line, shape, repetition, balance and unity

2nd Grade - Commotion in the Ocean by Giles Andreae

Keywords: Line vs. shape, cool vs. warm colors, rhythm, movement, value and unity

1st Grade - The Little Polar Bear by Hans de Beer

Keywords: Shape, cool colors, symmetrical balance, pattern and marker painting

*Celebrating International Polar Bear Day (2/27/2019)

1st Grade Self Portrait (Before & After)

Keywords: Line vs. shape, symmetrical balance, texture and unity

During the 2018-2019 academic year, students reviewed and mastered the Step-by Step Drawing Technique and have been challenged with increasingly advanced drawing projects and sketches. Students participated in visual demonstrations during each class and have gained a greater knowledge of highlighted vocabulary words such as symmetrical balance, proportion and unity.

As reflected by the results of the final evaluation and the quality of the art work, students demonstrated clear evidence of significant improvement. They exhibited clear evidence of their understanding of symmetrical balance, proportion and unity, showing the appropriate application of proportion and significant improvements in overall quality and originality in their projects. The first graders rock!!!

Kindergarten - The Tiny Seed by Eric Carle

Keywords: Collage, warm vs. cool colors, texture, rhythm, balance & fine motor skills

Pre K - Planting a Rainbow by Lois Ehlert

Keywords: Line, shape, rainbow colors and wet on dry watercolor technique