Why you need to test your material regularly ?

    • Did you know? Newsprint and ink contributes more than 90% to achieve the desired quality in newspaper production?
    • Is Your quality is getting hurt for unknow reason or suspect of material?
    • Did you want to know the which brand / batch of the ink will get you best mileage / yield than others? Better mileage is better cost

What do we test and How?

WAN-IFRA has a print material testing laboratory , managed by print professionals, equipped with IGT printability testers , Grammage instruments, etc, which simulates the real PRESS conditions to study your raw material properties.

This laboratory also does research related tasks of WAN-IFRA and WORLD PRINTERS FORUM. Following testing services and study packages related to material testing are offered by RMTC.

I. WAN-IFRA Material testing packages :

Combination of different tests are grouped and offered as packages to suit the different needs of the customer. For example printability tests package will conduct the tests to find optimum ink requirement, ink mileage test of an CMYK ink batch on specific paper, print through test and also test to find the trapping (wet-on-wet) property on the primary CMYK inks and ability to produce secondary colors RGB.

        • Newsprint & ink printability tests : Optimum density setup, Ink requirement, Ink Mileage, print through, picking (fluffing), trapping (wet on wet), Set-off, Strike-through."

        • ISO 2846-2 Conformance Test : Ink requirement, Optimum ink film thickness range, Color deviation at different IFT, Transparency, "

        • ISO 12647-3 Conformance study for Newsprint & ink : Newsprint shade, Primary & Color shades, Primary & secondary color deviation from ISO, Color space overlap with ISO.

II. WAN-IFRA Special study on newsprint & Ink :

WAN-IFRA is always known for its research approach in newspaper industry. In the past we conducted many researches in our laboratory and presented as reports and even shared our outcome in Indian and global conferences. Even though its served for the whole industry, customization of our study approach was often the request from many. Recently, we taken the study and research to suit your own materials. Here we offer the following studies for your specific materials to know its performances before you consume them in the shop floor.

a). Best paper in terms of quality standards - By testing results :

This study will help in prioritizing the newsprint in terms of quality of the newsprint and printability

b). Newsprint Yield Study - Grammage consistency & Deviation :

This special study will check the consistency of GSM and ground facts on the newprint yield. Remember , even small increase from the actual GSM (what suppose to be) will incur poor yield and ultimately the product cost.

c). Characteristics study of various GSM of paper - 40 Vs 42 Vs 45 gsm :

As many migrate from 45 to 42 or lower GSM, this study will be helpful in finding what all the quality concerns and compromises between your existing 45 or 42 gsm to lower GSM. This will give a comparative study.

d). Newsprint Storage time study ( 3/6 month characteristic changes) :

The known fact is that any material has got specific shelf life, whats your storage self life of your newsprint before it looses some of its property. This study will cover the changes in characteristic properties of paper over a period of time.

e). Ink mileage a study (Different Ink Vs Different paper) :

Ink cost being one of the major cost in print production, its wiser to use the ink which possibly could produce better mileage than other batch or brand. This mileage study will test mileage of different ink on different paper and this will absolute guide to choose the ink with better mileage rather than comparing it with approximate mileage in terms of pages produced per kg ( calculated on basis of varying coverage of tints, texts & images, which will vary in every day edition).

f). Vendor rating and selection guideline based on paper & ink testing :

This study is purely based on testing results of different materials from different manufacturer & suppliers. Vendor rating could be dont based on quality reproduction parameters or based based on financial benefits like better mileage & yield.

g). Fountain solution dosage fixing study:

This study will help to fix right dosage % to arrive at right pH and conductivity, will be ideal to conduct when you are switching from one fountain solution brand to another. Random test would also ensure to right % and manage the fount consumption.

III. Newsprint & Ink property testings :

Paper & Ink

Address to send samples :

Research & Material Testing Centre

PIIRIND Building, Second Main Road,

Taramani, CPT Campus

Chennai 600 113, India

Phone: +91.44.4211 0640

Fax: +91.44.2435 9744


Fee for WAN-IFRA Testing and study service

Material Testing Fee.pdf


How to send the ink samples:

    • Take Approx 200 grams of each ink (C, M and Y) and pack them in a leak proof (plastic) container.
    • Mark the ink sets. Example, Ink-set 1 and Ink-set 2. Then mark each inks. For Example, Ink-set 1 Cyan, Ink-set 1 Magenta and Ink-set 1 Yellow. Print the names and paste it over each container.
    • Note the way you named the inks and pack all the inks in a card board box and courier it to the Research Centre.

How to send newsprint samples

    • Cut the paper to 40cm x 40 cm.
    • Mark machine direction & top side, Mark country of make (not supplier name)
    • Name the samples, Example. A, B, C.
    • Ideally 25 sheets per sample (more number of sheets required if you are sending more than one ink sample)
    • Wrap properly to make the samples water tight and prevent light entering.
    • Pack in non-foldable packet (use hard board on top & bottom , so paper doesn't fold). Printing plate packaging board are ideal for htis purpose. Then Courier it to the centre.