Waltham High School Yearbook
Senior Quotes, Portraits, & Baby Photos
Choose a quote to be featured under your senior portrait! Otherwise, there will just be a blank space under your name.
Also, make sure to choose which portrait you'd like featured in the yearbook. (Moonlight Blue Background, head/shoulders, vertical, no cap/gown, no hands)
Deadline - December 1
[Parent Ads!]
Dedicate a page in the yearbook to your child and fill it with pictures and words of encouragement and congratulations!
Payment and Ad creation due Dec 1.
Purchase a yearbook from past years
Waltham High School has limited copies of the following yearbooks available for purchase:
2000-2012, 2014-2024
email WHSyearbook@walthampublicschools.org for more info
1962 - 2020 $50 2021 - present $100
Cash or Check payable to Waltham High School. +$10 to ship