Online SOS Box &
Interface Referral Service

Online SOS Box

Do you have concerns about yourself or another member of the school community?

Do you need a way to reach out to the counseling staff, but you're not sure where to start?

The Online SOS Box will allow students to anonymously notify staff about concerns with

  • bullying

  • cyberbullying

  • depression and anxiety

  • eating disorders

  • any mental health concerns

DISCLAIMER: This form will only be checked during school hours and in conjunction with the school calendar. If there are any immediate concerns, please contact a trusted adult or call 911.

  • Originally, the abbreviation "SOS" meant "Save Our Ship." For the purpose of the school community, "SOS" can mean "Save Our School." This form is meant as a dropbox for students who have concerns about other students or members in the school community.

  • NOTE: If anyone misuses this form to make false claims about individuals or to disrupt the school environment, the police will investigate those claims and can discover the IP address of a form respondent.

  • NOTE: The name and photo associated with your Google account will be recorded ONLY if you upload files and then submit this form. Google Forms includes the default text below (that includes your email) solely because of the upload option below. If you do not upload anything, your submission will be anonymous.

Interface Referral Service

Walpole is proud to announce that we have officially launched the INTERFACE Mental Health Referral Helpline. This is a free, confidential mental health outpatient referral service for children, adults, and families who are Walpole resident. Callers are matched with licensed mental health providers from INTERFACE’s extensive database.

Read more here.