Stay up to date on school events and deadlines with our bi-weekly Enews. Enews is sent every other week via Konstella, our communication platform. Enews articles are due the Friday before each release date. A reminder to submit Enews articles is sent to the PFC Board several days before the articles are due.
Article Submission Guidelines:
Please submit articles in this doc and limit words to 150 or less.
Include web addresses and email addresses for more information. Pre-link when possible, or you may include the URL in parentheses.
Any graphics you would like to use should be submitted in a .JPG or .GIF format.
All articles may be slightly altered, and are subject to the approval of the PFC Vice President of Communication.
Articles from individual students about class projects and fundraisers are subject to approval.
Articles that do not directly relate to the Walnut Acres PFC or the school will be added to the Community Announcements section at the end of Enews.