Enews - November 29, 2017
Post date: Nov 29, 2017 6:57:8 PM
What's Happening at Walnut Acres - November 29, 2017
And, check out the new Community Announcements section at the bottom
Mark Your CalendarsNov 29: Read-A-Thon Envelopes DueDec 1-31: Complete the annual Walnut Acres Parent SurveyDec 4-8: Toy and Clothing DriveDec 4-8: CRV Recycling Drop-Off
Dec 4-8: Hour of Code
Dec 5: PFC Holiday Party, 7 - 9 pm, Lewis Residence
Dec 14: Fourth Grade Performance - December in our Town, 7pm, MUR
Dec 15: Deadline to sign up for Math Kangaroo
Dec 20: December Sing Out, 8 - 9 am, MUR
Dec 11-22: Parent/Teacher Conferences - EARLY DISMISSAL
Dec 25-Jan 5: Winter Break - NO SCHOOL
For PFC Key Dates Calendar 2017-18, click here
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Walnut Acres Read-A-Thon Ends This Week! Please have your students turn their Read-A-Thon Envelopes into their teacher by this Friday, December 1!
You and your family and friends still have time to donate directly to your student's personal fundraising page by going to 99Pledges or you can submit cash and checks in the envelope. Donations are tax deductible (a form for your tax records will be sent to your email when you donate thru 99Pledges). For more details check out Read-A-Thon.
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Annual Toy and Clothing Drive: December 4-8
With the holidays upon us, it is time for Walnut Acres to reach out to the larger community with our Annual Toy and Clothing Drive benefiting Shore Acres Elementary School. We will be accepting donations of gently used toys and clothing December 4th to 8th in front of the school office. All sizes and types of clothing (except undergarments) for infants to adults are requested as well as toys and books. We kindly ask that clothing be free of stains and tears. As a guide, donate only what you would be comfortable giving to a friend.
We also need volunteers (adults and students) to assist in sorting, delivering and storing donations. Please SIGN UP to help and check the Community Service Page of the PFC website for volunteer details.
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Got Aluminum Cans and Plastic Bottles?
NEXT WEEK, Dec. 4-8, at morning drop-off, we are collecting CRV-labeled aluminum cans and plastic bottles. No need to get out of your car - just hand us the bag (or open your trunk for us) as you go through the drive thru!
Every first week of the month, we will collect CRV beverage containers (please, no glass) from you as you drop your child off at school. Recycled materials will be exchanged for cash at a recycling center and the proceeds will be used for playground supplies, and for Walnut Acres Recycling Club supplies and activities.
Drive Thru and Drop Off every morning December 4-8!
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PFC Holiday PartyTuesday, December 5 from 7:00 - 9:00pm
Eat, drink and be merry on Tuesday, December 5th from 7 - 9pm as we celebrate the holidays at the lovely home of PFC Board Member, Elise Lewis. All Walnut Acres parents, faculty and staff are invited, so please join us for an evening of Holiday cheer! The Lewis Home, 2538 Casa Grande Court, Walnut Creek. Please sign up to bring an appetizer, dessert or special beverage to share.
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Hour of Code: December 4-8
Did you know that every one of our students gets to participate in theFifth Annual Hour of Code Program? The Hour of Code started as a one-hour introduction to computer science, designed to demystify "code", to show that anybody can learn the basics, and to broaden participation in the field of computer science. It has since become a worldwide effort to celebrate computer science, starting with 1-hour coding activities but expanding to all sorts of community efforts.At Walnut Acres, our students have participated every year since Hour of Code began! This year, the Hour of Code will be held during the week of December 4-8. Verified volunteer parents are encouraged to help with their students' classes - sign ups were sent via Konstella to individual class levels on Monday.
Questions? Email our Co-Lab Site Tech, Patty Galindo.
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Drive Thru Sign Ups by Grade Level!
Thank you to the 3rd Grade parents who have stepped up to open doors and greet our students at the Drive Thru during the month of November. December is the 2nd Grade parents' turn! Each month, a different class level is responsible for helping at the Drive Thru.CLICK HERE for 2nd Grade December sign ups.
CLICK HERE for 1st Grade January sign ups.
We need 4 parents per day, Monday - Thursday. Fridays will continue to be Father Fridays with our awesome dads greeting the kids in the morning. Please sign up now - it's a short commitment - just 20 minutes from 7:40 - 8:00 am, but it makes a huge difference in getting our school days off to a good start!
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20% off for Walnut Acres Elementary at Sports Basement
on December 7th!
Sports Basement is inviting everyone at Walnut Acres Elementary to a very special shopping day, where you will receive 20% off your entire purchase all day long. Mention your Basementeer account at the register, so your purchase supports Walnut Acres Elementary!
Can't Join us at the store? Join the celebration by shopping online. Use the code 2050008418800 at checkout.
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Math Kangaroo Competition - sign up by December 15.
This year, for the first time, Walnut Acres is participating in the 23rd Annual International Math Kangaroo Competition for students in 1st-12th grades. Math Kangaroo's goal is to encourage students to learn mathematics by presenting them with problems that are interesting and by rewarding their efforts.
The competition will take place on Thursday, March 15, 2018, but sign ups are happening now. You may register online by December 15, and the fee is $20. All registered participants will be invited to practice their math problem-solving skills with parent volunteer leaders over the next few months, in preparation for this written, strategy-based math contest. For more information check out Math Kangaroo. Questions? Email Walnut Acres parent Chao Yang.
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Please complete the annual Walnut Acres Parent Survey
Each year Mt. Diablo seeks input from parents in order to evaluate relationships among students, parents, and school staff. The data isused at the district level to assess needs, so your input matters! Results will also be reviewed by Walnut Acres staff, School Site Council, and our Safety Committee as we analyze our successes and challenges leading to next year’s goals.
Between now and December 31, go to the California School Parent Survey to complete the anonymous 15-minute survey. You are welcome to request a pencil-paper copy of the survey from the office if you prefer. Or, we will have the Co-Lab (B-6) open during parent conferences so that you may complete the survey before or after your parent conference.
However you choose to participate, we encourage you to complete the survey so that the data we collect will include YOUR PERSPECTIVE!
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Exciting Experiences at “Live and Let Bid” Auction!
Do you have airline miles to spare? A time share? A connection with Pixar, Disney, or another technology, entertainment or hospitality company? We can turn it into a fun experience for a Walnut Acres family AND raise critical funds for our school!
We still need donations to attract big-ticket bids, and YOU can help make it happen! Simply fill out the online form or email info to auctiondonations@walnutacrespfc.net . Don’t worry if you don’t know how your item fits into a unique outing or themed getaway – our Auction Team will turn your donation into something fantastic that will help achieve our fundraising goals. And the benefits for the families and the businesses who donate makes it a win-win!
Remember, every dollar raised at auction supports our school – donating and encouraging others to donate is how you can be a hero for OUR KIDS!
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Volunteers Needed: Walnut Acres Safety Committee
The Walnut Acres Safety Committee needs 2 or 3 new parents who can work with Dr. Dowd and other parents to address Safety issues at school. The first meeting will be on Thursday, January 11, 2018 from 3:00 - 4:00 pm. If interested, contact Denise Calbeck at calbeckd@mdusd.org or Dr. Colleen Dowd at dowdc@mdusd.org.
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You are Invited!Foothill Middle School Parent Ed Night:Social Media and ParentingWed, November 29, 7:00pm – 8:30pm
Foothill Middle School Library
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Fifth Graders! Troop 810 Boy Scouts Bowling Night Tuesday, December 12 at 6:30 pmAre you in the 5th grade and interested in joining the Boy Scouts? Come meet the scouts of Troop 810 and have some fun at the same time. We are hosting a bowling and pizza night on Tuesday, Dec. 12th from 6:30 - 8:00 pm at Diablo Valley Bowl, 1500 G Monument Blvd., Concord. Please RSVP or if you have questions, contact Dorene Soe, Recruitment Chair, (925) 932-0733 or dalouie8@yahoo.com by Friday, Dec. 8, so that we can reserve enough lanes and pizza for everybody.
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Calling all Pack 210 Lions, Tiger Cubs, Wolves, Bears and Webelos! Cub Scouts Pack Meeting Wednesday, December 13th in the MUR6:45 - 8:00pm
All Kindergarten thru 5th grade boys and families are welcome to join – sign-ups are still available! Reach out to Pack Membership Chair Sarah Waters at sarahsin70@hotmail.com for additional details.
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Walnut Creek Little League Registration
Announcing the opening of registration for the 2018 Baseball, Softball and Challenger season for Walnut Creek Little League. Take advantage of the early bird special and register prior to December 18th. Registration fees will increase by $50 on December 18th, and the last day to register is January 3rd.
Go to: http://www.wcbaseball.org/ for more information.