4.W.1 I can write an opinion paper that supports a point of view.

Introduction sentence or section (4.W.1a)

  • state your opinion in a complete sentence.

  • look to the writing prompt to help you with this sentence.

  • Examples:

In my opinion, Amelia Bedelia books are the best for several reasons.

In my opinion, the main character made the right choice for several reasons.

Practice opinion introduction here

Click on the image to go to a learnzillion lesson on how to write an introduction sentence.

Provide reasons that are supported by facts and details (4.W.1b)

*use three different reasons supported with details from the text

Listen to a short lesson on giving reasons

Click on the image to the left to go to a short learnzillion lesson on writing reasons to support an opinion.

Linking Words (4.W.1c)

  • Remember to use linking words to connect your ideas together.

Closing Sentence (4.W.1d)