Educational Technology Tools

13 Tech Tools For Teachers

For creating lessons to digitally share with students:

(Click the underlined name of each tech tool to be linked directly to its website)

1. Nearpod– include already created presentations or start from scratch. Nearpod keeps students engaged and on the same digital “page” as their teacher.

2. Prezi– creates awesome presentations. This is for you if you are sick of “plain old PowerPoint.”

3. Socrative- ask true/false, multiple choice, and short answer questions to your audience! There’s a fun “Space Race” game that splits your group into two and puts them “head to head.” Whoever answers the most correct questions fastest, wins.

4. KaHoot– totally feels like a a game…but it’s a quick and fun way to assess students’ knowledge.

5. PollEverywhere– asks a variety of question types to poll your audience and get immediate feedback.

6. Newsela– provides current event articles on the students’ reading level and interests.

7. CNN Student News– quick 10 minute news video with discussion questions.

8. Powtoon– create fun and easy animated videos.

9.StoryboardThat for digital storytelling

Connecting Home and School

10. Remind– have parents/students sign up for text alerts without having phone numbers. You can even schedule reminders in advance. It’s just one more way to connect and bridge school and home.

11. Edmodo– create an online community and practice digital citizenship at the same time. Students/teachers have access to subject content, polling, quizzes, discussion boards, badges, “snapshot” which assesses students competencies and more!

Videos and Resources for Video Watching:

12. Youtube (of course)- my favorite channels include Crash Course, Khan Academy

13. Hippocampus– a wide variety of videos and interactives, best for upper level subjects/students.

*Information Came From

Instructional Videos Over Some of the Technology Tools Above

A Brief How To Khan Academy Instructional Video

How To Use Khan Academy For Teachers

By a Teacher

Crash Course Introduction

What Is Nearpod?

Nearpod How it Works


Reading Evolved

Stay Tuned For More To Come!!!