Reading Olympics

How it works

The goal of the Reading Olympics is to increase students' reading for enjoyment and increase reading skills. Students in grades 4-6 collaborate with their teammates to read 25 book titles that have been selected by a committee of librarians, reading specialists and classroom teachers. Faculty and staff members serve as group leaders for this fun activity!

You will be assigned a minimum of six (6) books to read for your team and be the “expert” on your team for those books. You are encouraged to also read as many of the other books on the list as you can to help your team. You will be reading a few of the novels in class.​

Please don't ask for a Reading Olympics book unless you are committed to reading all the books and taking the oral quizzes, otherwise you will be ineligible to attend the competition. 


As stated above, students are given a minimum of six (6) books from the Reading Olympics Book List to read for the WMA team.

Ms. Hymel will give the individual students an oral test on the books as they are read.

Ms. Hymel will invite students to join/register for Reading Olympics when they have read and answered questions on the assigned books.

As information is received from MCIU on competition dates and other important information it will be posted.

Registration for this program is $50.