Math 4

Grade 4 Welcome Letter and Supply List

Dear Parents/Guardians,

We are looking forward to working with your children in 4th grade next year. Fourth grade is an important transitional year that will help prepare your child for the rotating of all classes in 5th grade. We will work on organization, study skills, taking notes, and responsibility. The curriculum is more rigorous, but with hard work and effort students will make progress. It is our hope that all students will be successful in 4th grade.

Starting in September, students will be expected to read for 20 minutes each night.  Please encourage your child to read a book for 20 minutes when possible over the summer.  Students will read some great novels as a class in 4th grade.

Fourth graders will use multiplication for many topics in Math class. Therefore, it is very important that your child know their multiplication facts starting in September. We will complete a brief review at the beginning of the year. Please encourage your child to review their facts over the summer. 

Attached please find your child’s supply list for next year. As organization is an important skill for fourth graders, supplies are color coded for each subject. This will help your child stay more organized. This system will continue in 5th grade as well. We have plenty of art supplies in the classroom, but if your child would prefer to have their own crayons, markers, etc. that is fine.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at,, or Have a great summer and see you in the fall!


                                    Mrs. Mattice, Mr. Hoyt and Mrs. Higgins

Fourth Grade Supply List

1 yellow single subject notebook and folder for Math

1 blue single subject notebook and folder for Science

1 green single subject notebook and folder for Social Studies

1 ***3 subject red notebook and folder for ELA.

1 composition notebook for a Writing Journal

1 small pencil case 


colored pencils

pens (black or blue)


2 or 3 highlighters

**** Please bring a book you read over the summer on the first day of school. We love to talk about books in 4th grade!!

Math 4 Information Brochure