9MWL Cybersmart

Term 4 - WEEK 4 - WALT: create 8-bit-pixel art using a conditionally formated Google Sheet

WHS 9RWH - Sunflower 26 Color Pixel Art Template

Learn / Ako:  


Create / Hanga

Share / Tohatoha: 

Pixel Heart on Hand

Term 3 - WEEK 8 - WALT: use WeVideo to create a movie

WHS - 9MWL - Creating with WeVideo

Learn / Ako: 

Create / Hanga:  

Share / Tohatoha: 

WALT: use a rubric to recognise a quality blog post

WALT: write a quality blog comment

MP Quality Blog Post Rubric

Learn / Ako: 

Create / Hanga: 

Share / Tohatoha: 

Term 3 - WEEK 6 - WALT: create a Google Slide Animation As A Way To Share Our Learning

Learn / Ako: 

Create / Hanga: 

Share / Tohatoha: 

WHS 9MWL Slide Animation Tutorial With Templates

2023 WEEK 4 - WALT: create a Google Earth Project As A Way To Share Our Learning

Google Earth project

Learn: How to create a Google Earth project. Workflow of starting a new project, giving it an appropriate name for ease of relocation, and adding places, descriptions and photos.

Create: A Google Earth project, sharing places of significance in the Taranaki region.

Share: Edublogs.

WEEKS 6 - WALT: create a positive digital footprint for ourselves

WHS 9MWL Blogging template
9MWL First individual blog post

WEEKS 4/6 - WALT: create a positive digital footprint for ourselves

WHS - 9MWL - Individual blog post: Introducing yourself




2022 Sessions

Session 7: Craft a comment

Learn:  Retrieve and edit a document, navigate a blog post to add a comment. Compose a quality blog comment.

Create: Use our understandings about the elements of a quality blog comment to craft your own comment that can be posted on a class blog post of your choice.

Share: Reflect on your learning and share your comment on the collaborative slide deck, which will be posted on the class blog.

Critique a post

Learn:  Online interactions contribute to our digital footprint, what makes a quality blog comment.

Create: Collaborate with a buddy to decide which comments are appropriate to post and what should be binned in a drag and drop activity. Choose a comment to critique. 

Share: To the class blog via a collaborative slide deck.

Merryn Creating an instructional movie with WeVideo

Learn: How to edit a movie using the WeVideo chrome extension.

Create: An instructional movie using a combination of photos and video clips.

Share: Share our movie recording on our class edublog!

Merryn: Interacting respectfully online

Learn: Online interactions contribute to our digital footprint, what makes a quality blog comment.

Create: Use Google Drawings to design a presentation which informs people about how to write a quality blog comment.

Share: Class blog post.

Kicking off Term 3

Learn: How to use the polyline tool. Workflow of beginning a new doc within the appropriate file and with a name that makes sense for ease of relocation.

Create: A geometric artwork using the polyline tool in google drawing.

Share: Class blog.

Meryn Class blog posts

Learn: What we share online contributes to our digital footprint, discover what makes a good blog post.

Create: An annotated screenshot of a class blog post.

Share: Class blog post.

Julie Introducing Google Forms

Learn: How to create and send a Google Form. Workflow: Create (and name) form within appropriate (cybersmart) folder, 

Create: Your own google form survey.

Share: send your form to a classmate to complete. 

Merryn Smart Passwords

Learn: What makes a strong and unique password. How to create a strong password that is difficult to guess but easy to remember.  About pass phrases and how to create one.

Create: A strong and unique password.

Share: Not this week! Passwords (or pass phrases) should be kept private and not shared with anyone.

Merryn Expectations and Kawa of Care

Learn: How to look after our device and interact respectfully online. SMRF: Stop, Make a copy, Rename (initials first), File (in cybersmart folder). Use the Explore tool to import images in Google Drawing.

Create: Complete cybersmart Challenge 16 to create a poster in Google Drawing.

Share: Uploaded your completed DLO (digital learning object) to a collaborative slide deck which will be shared via the class blog.

Merryn Session 1 2022 Introductions

Learn: How to interact respectfully when working on a collaborative document. Replace an image and change the font on Google Slides.

Create: Design a slide on a collaborative slide deck to introduce yourself.

Share: Work on a collaborative slide deck which will be shared via the class blog.