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  • Michael Dizon, (2019). Matters of trust, privacy and security: An examination of the technical, legal and social principles and values of encryption. In 18th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications. Rotorua, New Zealand.

  • Andelka Phillips.. (2019). Reading the fine print: An introduction to the world of personal genomics and wrap contracts. In Centre for International Law, National University of Singapore.

  • Andelka Phillips.. (2019). Legal challenges of AI in healthcare. In Faculty of Medicine, University of Ghent, Belgium.

  • Andelka Phillips.. (2019). Your DNA is only a click away – Personal genomics, privacy, security, and a call for reform. In Oxford University - Department of Computer Science, Cyber Security Seminar Series.

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  • Wayne Rumbles,(2013). Keyboard dreams: Hacker identity and refraction of legal narrative. In 8th Global Conference - CyberCultures - Exploring Critical Issues (Prague, Czech Republic.

  • Wayne Rumbles, (2013). Hacking at the virtual edge. In Law on the Edge. Vancouver, Canada.

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