
2023 Legislative Endorsements

HB 1240 - Prohibits the manufacture, importation, distribution, selling, and offering for sale of assault weapons (reducing mass shooting fatalities by a supposed 70%) 

SB 5462 - Promoting and supporting the development and adoption of school district curricula that is diverse, equitable, and inclusive 

HB 1033  - Addresses the proper disposal of biodegradable plastics and reduces consumer confusion. 

HB 1085 - Takes steps to reduce plastic pollution

Write to your lawmakers in support of these bills using these templates!

WAHSDA Endorses Erasmo Ruiz for the Bethel School Board

"WAHSDA is proud to support Erasmo Ruiz for the Bethel School Board. Erasmo's experience as an educator will prove invaluable should he be elected to the board. We are confident he will put students first, and make sure youth voices are uplifted. Erasmo has many innovative ideas that will reform education for the better, and we can't wait to see the good he will accomplish on the Bethel School Board."