Free Your Mind.


The BrightBrain club aims to bring together a collective of student voices while providing the best student growth opportunity to our community. Through BrightBrain we will elevate students' perspectives to foster inclusive, humanizing, and critical learning environments for all members of our school communities. This is a transformational club where you encounter beliefs from another level that pivots not just your high school career but your life to an upgraded stage.

Our mission is to update our students' outlook toward education by clarifying misconceptions about learning. We do not believe in working harder but smarter. By supporting academically and socially, our scholars are going to thrive in their way. It is a club of transforming the ordinaries into extraordinary. We help students to find their passion and create something tangible by taking action.

We want to bring the community of top-notch scholars together and create a platform where students interested in the realm can ask for guidance. We believe in creating a more effective and convenient network to support our students. For example, students with language barriers can ask for help from students that speak the same language.

The club would not be complete without extraordinary students bringing their talents together. We are calling all innovators, visionaries, exceptional brains, and activists to break the status quo.

The following are our club’s values. Do these values resonate with you? If you do, then you will fit into our club. We do not force our values on our students. Besides, we are always open to new ideas.

UNITY: We fiercely believe in diversity, humanism, and environmentalism. Unity is the idea of seeing similarities over differences and embracing the human race as a whole

ENVISIONING: We are not afraid to question the status quo and will never settle in our pursuit to push boundaries and create a better future. Our default approach is innovation, creation, and invention.

LOVE: We care deeply about our club and our scholars. We treat each other with care and love. Kindness is contagious when you spread it to everywhere.

TRANSFORMATION: We believe in supporting individuals to transform into the best versions of themselves. We believe that personal growth should be the most critical thing in life. Grow so fast that your friend that meets you a month ago has to get to know you all over again.

Most students aim to bring o the status quo and will settle in our boundaries and create a better. Our growth should be the most critical thing. Grow so fast that your that meets you a month ago has to get to know you all over just your career but to an upgraded stage.

Our is to change our students' outlook toward by clarifying misconceptions about. We do not believe in harder but smarter. By supporting academically and socially, our scholars are going to thrive in their way. It is of transforming the ordinaries into extraordinary. We help students to find their passion and create something tangible by taking.

We want to bring the of top-notch scholars and create where students interested in can ask for. We believe in creating a more effective and convenient to support our students. For example, students with barriers can ask for help from students that speak the same.

The would not be complete without extraordinary students bringing their talents together. We are calling all innovators, visionaries, exceptional brains, and activists to the status quo.

The following are our’s values. Do these values resonate with you? If you do, then you will fit into our Club. We do not force our values on our students. Besides, we are ng

  1. Speed Learning

  2. Questioning Skills

  3. Leadership Skills

  4. Communication Skills:

    • Interpersonal Skills

    • Intrapersonal Skills

  5. Public Speaking Skills

  6. Creativity

  7. Flexibility

Our Goals:

  • By July of 2022:

  • Be the school’s biggest Club

  • Make a positive impact on at least 100 lives

  • By June of 2023:

  • Have Seminars/Conferences

  • Maintain the BrightBrain Culture

  • Influence the whole NYC education system


Latitude of leaders: We understand that brilliant rules and shackles and desire to do there, in their way.

Latitude of scholars: We give our scholars wide latitude of choices for there. We students’ interests. So if the lesson does not attract your curiosity, feel free to leave silently.

Great People: We accept only the best. For a typical position, we sift through dozens of applications. Make it in, and you’ll be with some of the best minds in Wagner. We believe that “A” people attract “A” people.

Treats: We treat each other with love and compassion.

Creativity: We support your creativity. You can bring up ideas and we will help you to implement make them happens.

Fun: We put the “FUN” in our club’s fundamentals. Don’t get us wrong--we’re a disciplined, well-oiled engine of growth. But we believe that students should look forward to work with each other.

Entrepreneurship: We understand that great people of starting their passion projects. We help you attain this. We provide training and mentorship to help you grow. Simply put, you’re free to learn from us and then move on with your passion project or maybe create your club. We offer you an entrepreneurial spirit.

Our Motto

BrightBrains Matters

Free Your Mind

Learn, Grow, Transform, and Give

BrightBrain Invite:

Have you ever felt lost and not doing enough to keep up with your fellow classmates? Have you ever had immense motivation for your commitments but did not know what to do and how to accomplish them? Don’t freak out! BrightBrain is here to support you. By providing simple guidelines and practical techniques, we are going to unlock the true potential of our scholars. We start with the right mindset, motivation, and method. So, what are you waiting for? Come join us and let’s create the future together.