First Week of School

Mrs. Johnson's All About Me Book

In this video, I will read you my All About Me book!

Pictures from our first day of school!

We got to meet our music teacher, Sister Mary Andrea. She did a rhythm name game with us to help her learn our names.

It was fun having lunch in our classroom!

We went outside to get some pictures in front of the school. We did a mask picture and a no-mask picture. Students did a GREAT job today with wearing their masks! We have little lanyards we clip their masks to, so when they are taking a mask break they can just let it hang from the lanyard, or tuck it in their shirt if we are outside playing.

Classroom Peek!

Next to our calendar board, we have our schedule and our daily prayer list. Today we learned that praying is how we can talk to God. We list people and things we want to pray for each morning. Here are some of the sweet prayers the kids thought of today. If there are ever people or things your family is praying for, share them with your kindergartener, or with me, and we can add your prayers to our list. If we ever have a child absent from class due to an illness, we will add them to our prayer board and let them know we were thinking of them while they were away from school.

Today we met Mrs. Berhow, our art teacher! She wanted the kindergarteners to know that she can see them, hear them, and interact with them. Today we learned about lines, and looked for different types of line patterns all around us- even on the bottoms of our shoes! She called each student up to the computer so she could really see them and have a quick chat with them. It sure tugs at my heart to see all the ways we are trying to stay connected to each other during this time of social distancing.

Play time has been a lot of fun! We try to have 20-25 minutes of play time after snack every day. We have five different play choices, and students get to make a choice each day. If they get tired of playing with their choice before play time is done, they can always look at books, get out their play dough, or color. Lucky for us in Kindergarten, lots of our learning throughout the day also incorporates play! It's how we learn best!

Our first class craft! Our walls are looking good now! I can tell these kids love to craft! We will do lots of fun ones this school year. I love it, too!

Classroom Peek!

Our Author of the Week this week was Normal Bridwell, author and illustrator of the Clifford books! I think we will usually keep our author of the week for two weeks this school year. When someone is done looking at a book we are supposed to set it aside for a couple days as a way to stop the spread of germs. I have tons of Clifford books, but having to tuck them away for a bit means less children get to enjoy them during the week. They are really loving the Clifford books, so we will keep them up for one more week :-)

Our first day of library!

We got to meet our librarian, Mrs. Schneider, for the first time on Wednesday! She read us to great books! One about germs and one about a school who was having its first day of school :-) Normally, while the weather is nice, we will see Mrs. Schneider outdoors. This week, there was a heat advisory on Wednesday afternoon, so we stayed inside.

Mrs. Berhow uses a really neat drawing program so she can do the project along with us! Students can see her as she works, and they can follow along as they do their project. This was our introductory lesson on lines. Wait until you see the bird project she has for our next study on lines! You'll love seeing it when it comes home!

Students did a great job working at their seats and still listening to what Mrs. Berhow was saying from the SMART board. I love seeing them go up to the laptop to show their work!

Our second day of art!

Once again, it was so neat to get to have art with Mrs. Berhow through zoom. The students adapted to this style of learning so quickly! Mrs. Berhow is great! She gave us the instructions, we went to work at our tables, and then when class was almost done she had kids come up one at a time to show her their work so she could give them feedback. The virus pandemic is causing us to get creative, but we are NOT letting it get us down!