6th Grade

What to complete in 6th Grade?

  1. Complete Career Matchmaker - Save at least 3 careers

  2. Complete Interest Survey - Add at least 5 interests

  3. Complete the 4 Lessons

    • Interests (20-30 min)

      1. Reflect on your saved interests

      2. Explore the link between interests and various careers

      3. Investigate how interests would match up with saved careers

    • School Subjects at Work (20-30 min)

      1. Explore how people apply a variety of school subjects on the job

      2. Investigate how people in various careers use school subjects they like on the job

      3. Explore school subjects related to careers they like

    • Decision Making (20-30 min)

      1. Explore the importance of making informed decisions

      2. Learn the importance of considering consequences of potential decisions

      3. Reflect on a recent decision

    • Time Management (20-30 min)

      1. Explain why time management is important in school and on the job

      2. Create a time budget to assess your time use

      3. Explore ways to improve your time management

  4. Add Hobbies and Interests to Interests

  5. Explore Xello - save at least 1

6TH GRADE Advisers: Classroom Teachers.