Prom Information

Prom Location: Trackside Restaurant

(Inside the Utica Train Station)

321 Main St.

Utica, NY 13501

Prom Date: May 14, 2022

Time: 7-11pm

Procession: 6:00 at the Train Station

Ticket Price: $40

Prom Resources

Disclaimer: Business suggested below are based upon a brief search for local businesses in the different categories listed and have not paid for any advertising. Also, no one company is recommended over another and are listed in alphabetical order. This list is always added to as other businesses are found. In the past some businesses do send coupons to the school so please ask a class officer if any are available and what business they may be for. In any given year though, there is no guarantee coupons will be sent to the school.

Dress Shops

Tuxedo Shops

Flower Shops

Limousine Companies

Hair and Make-up

Did You Know?

Prom Budgeting

The graphic to the left is slightly dated but the figures are close for 2022.

As Americans continue to find ways to cut personal expenses, one area where they are not willing to make financial sacrifices is prom spending. A new survey released by Visa shows that consumers will spend an average of $1,139 this year on prom, a 5% increase over last year. To help teens and parents combat ballooning prom costs, Visa has introduced Plan'it Prom, the definitive prom planning tool. Plan'it Prom empowers students and parents to plan, budget and cut costs by incorporating a prom count down, timeline, and budget health meter into a layout that is fun and easy to use.
