ICBM: „International Conference Binders and Materials“


Please prepare your abstract in MS Word according to the following instructions, see "ABSTRACT.docx".

Submit your abstract to (it is necessary to submit a abstract in advance).

Abstract should be no longer then 200 words and should be written in English.

Before you send the ABSTRACT to the, please make sure your ABSTRACT file will have a filename

“(Topic field) Author_Paper title.doc”.

For example: (I)Newman_New green technology in the cement production.doc


Please prepare your paper in MS Word according to the following instructions, see "Author_Instructions.doc".

All papers should be no less than 6 pages (≥6) in length and must be written in strict accordance with the format.

Shorter papers (<6) should not be included in the journal.

All papers should be written in good English.

Paper should be upload via online submission system.

Before you upload the PAPER, please make sure your paper file will have a filename “(ID)Author_Paper title.doc (or pdf)”.

For example: (ID007)Newman_New green technology in the cement production.doc(pdf)