You open the booklet and hold it next to the camera menu

You see several statements about FAIR data in the manual. You need to enter the letters that correspond to the correct statements into the camera menu.

Jane is working on a study where she interviews employees about their work satisfaction. She is planning to hire an agency to do the transcription of the interviews. She will also use market analysis data to see if there are correlations between the level of satisfaction and the success of the company.

Which activities will help her produce a FAIR dataset that allows others to replicate or build upon her research?

A Making the contract with the agency doing the transcription of the interviews publicly available.

B Putting a link on her personal website to the original interview files and the personal data of the people she interviewed.

C Discussing with her supervisor who will be allowed what level of access to the dataset and when

D Checking what keywords are used by colleagues to categorize the market analysis and including these terms in the description of the data

E Keeping a record of how she manipulates the data and what all her codes mean.

F Adding a note in her publications to say that researchers interested in the data are welcome to contact her for more details. Because the interview data are qualitative there is no need to share them, or include any metadata or explanations

G Finding a trusted data repository that is well-known and used by other researchers in the field to deposit their data, checking if the repository assigns a persistent identifier, and whether access and authorization procedures are in place.

H Keeping a full list of satisfied ghosts she met at the agency doing the transcription